Posts Tagged ‘Vocal Training’

Meet the Tutor in The Dock

September 13, 2011

Are you considering one of those daytime workshops in The Dock? There is a lot on offer for this autumn, and if music isn’t the thing for you then it might be Creative Writing, Drama or Oil Painting? And then there is the more unusual ones too, Writing for Movies, Glass Staining, Djing to name just a few… Six pages in the programme are dedicated to the workshop section, probably to conquer the onset of the falling leaves and shorter days in the most enthusiastic way possible! Check it out, and if you find something that is down your street, go for it!

This Thursday 5.30 till 7pm is Meet the Tutor night, a registration evening in the Dock where you get a chance to meet the tutors as the title suggests of course, find out about the classes, get your questions answered, and see what each workshop may have in stall for you! Might be a great way of checking things out, seeing who else might be interested in the courses and finding a familiar face on the morning of the first class in that room after all!

Check the programme; get ready to meet that winter blues with your chin up and some new skill up your sleeve!

Thursday 15th of September 5.30 till 7pm in The Dock to Meet The Tutor!

 Your Dock Blogger